
Dancing is my passion, it’s my whole story, it’s my whole life. Dancesport is the path I have chosen to help the new generation of dancers along their careers to develop their skills to the highest potential and to play a part in shaping the athlete to the dancer they will ultimately become. Dancing it runs in my blood, it is anchored in me since my existence. What attracted me to this sport was the architecture of movement and the art of dialogue without saying a single word.

Dance your life!

Short summary of my career:

My professional career in dancesport began at the age of 7, lasting for 23 years. Today I am a choreographer, trainer, coach and FFD / WDSF judge.

My Results

  • World Champion Formation
  • World Champion 10 Dances
  • World Champion Show Dance

My services

  • Consultations (a new essential format for dancers)
  • Online courses (for those who cannot travel)
  • Private lessons
  • Traineeship
  • Shows