What is the difference between a coach and a trainer?


The coach is a professional in the support relationship, who will focus on the psychological and mental preparation of the athlete as well as on the strategies for his development to obtain the desired result. The coach will focus on physical and technical preparation, the sports career plan, the training and competition program.

On all comparison criteria the role of the coach differs from that of the coach.


• The mission,

• The objective,

• Work tools,

• The type of intervention.


      Coaching, in the mental preparation of the athlete, works specifically on the inner game” of the athlete. The energy and everything that happens on the inside comes out on the outside in athletic performance.


      A coach has the precise function of coaching, in addition to the responsibility of taking athletes to the highest level, establishing punctuality, rigor and precision, and very often he is in the technical criticism and judgment. , neglecting the athlete’s belief system and needs. Frequently, a coach shows authority and composure because he is designated responsible for the sports career. As a result, he establishes an authoritarian relationship between himself and the athlete, which can generate a blockage in him and even a certain fear.

         The presence of a coach will be complementary and fundamental in the client’s journey and coaching support while respecting their values ​​and needs. He will orient him towards the development of his personal balance and his autonomy, while respecting his ontological security.


         A good performance is linked to teamwork between the two, three or four parties: the dancer, the dancer, the couple, the trainer and the coach. For a good functioning, no member should feel ignored or excluded, it is important to strengthen cohesion. Defining goals and identifying strengths and weaknesses of athletes will improve teamwork and advance towards the goal and achievement of games.


Although the coach and the coach move in a common direction, the process by which this is done differs a lot and serves different purposes. A trainer will transfer, instruct his skills by teaching them to the dancer through practice, he will be the expert and he will focus on the development and linear evolution of the new skills. While in the coaching process, the athlete already has all the skills and internal resources to achieve his goal. At the relational level, the link between the coach and the athlete is: teacher-student compared to that of coaching which is a relationship based on empathy, benevolence, trust and building a relationship.