Coaching, Hypnosis & NLP, Pro DanceSport Teacher & Adjudicator
Marioara Cheptene is a Certified Professional Coach Level 7 RNCP, with a professional certification issued by Linkup Coaching (European Centre for Professional Coaching). Marioara has built her reputation in dancesport at the highest level where she has won three World Champion titles. Marioara is certified as well in Ericksonian Hypnosis & NLP.

I am a Life Coach, Hypnotherapist & NLP Practitioner, Author, Dancesport Trainer and Adjudicator. Practising sport at the highest level for more than 23 years and training couples professionally, has influenced me to pursue a career as a life, mind and body coach. The coaching & hypnosis sessions will meet the client’s needs by following methodologies and techniques recognised in NLP & Therapy . Its main goal is to expand self-reliance on a personal and professional level.
What attracts me is the systemic path of the session: thought – speech – action. Self-reliance, empowerment, confidence, defining goals and action points are the key outcomes of the process.
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